RYA Yachtmaster Offshore - Advanced Sailing Certifications

Prep and exam course

RYA Offshore prep and exam course


The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore prep and exam course is the final step on a student’s journey to becoming a fully qualified, professional skipper. For a student, achieving the Yachtmaster Offshore qualification means that he or she can sail commercially and work towards becoming an instructor or other sailing professional.

To become commercially endorsed the following must be held:

  • RYA Sea Survival
  • ML5 medical certificate
  • First aid certificate
  • Radio Operators Licence - needed before starting this course
  • Sea survival and medical certificate - needed before starting this course

Where to take this course with Sunsail

Portsmouth, UK

Why take this course with Sunsail?

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation Course teaches the skills and techniques required to skipper safely on offshore passages by day and by night, including passage planning, preparation for sea, pilotage, yacht handling under sail and power, as well as in adverse weather conditions and emergencies.

The first five days of this seven-day course involve preparation for the final exam, with your instructor ensuring that you have the knowledge, understanding and techniques required to pass the assessment. You will focus on improving your weak areas, ensuring that your sailing manner is both safe and efficient.

On day five an RYA Examiner will step aboard and ask you to complete various tasks and manoeuvres to assess your ability.

Pre-exam requirements are a GMDSS short range certificate or higher grade of marine radio certificate, an RYA accepted current First Aid and the required logged miles.

Choose Sunsail

Stunning Sailing Destinations 
Flotilla routes
Types of yachts
44 yrs
Creating holidays
4 hr
Service commitment
Consumer protection